Investment Fund Creation in Estonia: A Guide for non-Residents /e-Residents
Starting an investment fund in Estonia as an e-Resident is a great way to take advantage of Estonia's favorable business environment, attractive tax system, and well-developed digital infrastructure. By partnering with us, you can benefit from their expertise and experience in setting up and managing investment funds in Estonia.

Setting up Company in Estonia: 7 Advantages of Holding Companies
In the realm of global business, establishing a holding company in Estonia offers numerous advantages for entrepreneurs and investors. This blog will delve into why Estonia stands out as a prime location for such entities, emphasizing the…

A Comprehensive Guide: Why and How to Start a Business in the EU
Starting a business in the EU presents exciting opportunities for entrepreneurs but the process of setting up a business in the EU may vary from country to country.
A big thing to consider is whether you actually need to relocate to a country, or whether you can operate remotely.

3 Easy Steps to Switching Service Providers for e-Residency Companies in Estonia
Finding the right service provider for your e-Residency company can help you save valuable time and earn you more money. If you are ready to switch to a new service provider, then firstly, we can confirm that YES, it is possible to switch!...…

E-Residency company founders: you don’t want to make these 5 mistakes in your shareholders’ agreement
A shareholders' agreement is essential when starting a business in Estonia with multiple e-Resident shareholders. This agreement governs the management of shareholders' ownership interests in the company. It establishes a shared understanding…

The easiest way to add a shareholder into your Estonian company structure
Are you planning to involve investors in your Estonian company and wondering how to do it? Starting a business in Estonia offers flexibility, especially when you need to add a shareholder online in Estonia. The digital infrastructure…

Harnessing Collective Wisdom: A Review of the Silva Hunt Mastermind Retreat by Rico Fritzsche
Silva Hunt Mastermind Retreat was more than just a business gathering; it was an enriching experience, with great insights and practical lessons. The blend of practical advice, shared entrepreneurial battles, and the expert sessions such as the one on focus and decision-making enriched every participant, myself included.

What is an SPV and what are the benefits of an Estonian SPV?
A SPV, or Special Purpose Vehicle, is an Estonian legal entity that is created for a specific, limited purpose. It is often used in business and finance to isolate financial risk and to facilitate the financing of a specific project or investment.

Estonian cryptocurrency licensing laws – What you must do to comply
Once an industry that was used to operating with minimal government guidelines, cryptocurrency licensing in Estonia now has complex new laws coming into force. Here, Silva Hunt explores some of the new rules, taking you through the requirements…

How does the liquidation of an Estonian company work?
If your business plans in Estonia don't unfold as anticipated and you wish to cease operations, you have two primary options: selling the company or proceeding with the liquidation of your Estonian company.
Selling the company